
Get Inspiration, Find Answers, Explore Tools, and Learn New Things


Our first course, Advanced Drum Editing, is now live!

Get it now with our launch sale and bonus offer of a complimentary coaching call included with your purchase!

Coffee with Creators

The ANAK Creates Podcast

Studio lounge chats with my mentors and peers has provided a true foundation to so much of my knowledge.

With The ANAK Creates Podcast, I aim to bring you into these “coffee break chats”, where we discuss everything from creative life, workflows, and career journeys, to business and production insights. These discussions can get pretty nerdy, but are sure to inspire you.

Listen on all podcast platforms, and video version available on YouTube!

Inspiration often strikes when we watch others. Learn and expand your creative toolkit by observing different approaches to making music.

On my channel you’ll find an in depth exploration of music creation using various techniques and tools. Through creative challenges and mixing/production breakdowns, you will get insight into making professional sounding music, no matter what tools you have.

Creative Challenges

ANAK Creates YouTube Channel for learning and inspiration


1:1 realtime virtual coaching

Get your questions answered directly with advice based on your gear, workflow, and where you are in your learning journey. Coaching/mentorship empowers you to grow your skills and achieve your creative goals, while saving time, money and alleviating frustration.

As your coach, I want to give you what my mentors gave me: honest, reliable and trustworthy professional guidance.

Mix Feedback

In depth actionable advice on your projects

An additional set of ears you can trust is extremely helpful when you're deep inside a project.

My feedback provides you with a video answering your questions and providing additional advice and detailed skill building suggestions.

Watch an example feedback video HERE!

Creator Tools

Helpful tools and digital products for music makers

In the shop you will find a continually expanding set of helpful tools and digital products (both free and paid) such as guitar cabinet impulse responses, MIDI Groove packs, guides, courses, and much more. Currently in development are instrument libraries, plugins, and courses. Sign up below to be notified of new additions.

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